The Best 5 Exercises to build Strong and Toned Quads

1.     Front Squats

Tips for the Front Squat

  1. Make sure you create a strong shelf with your elbows, keeping them high throughout the movement. This will work the scapula stabilizers and core.
  2. Focus on keeping your weight on your heels throughout the movement on the way down and back up. 
  3. Use a stance that is hip width or just narrower and think about folding up and sprining back out again,

2.     Back Squats

Tips for the Squat

  1. For a regular squat, keep your feet just a touch wide than hip width apart, to allow your pelvis to drop between on the way down. 
  2. Tuck the elbows under and imagine you have a torch shining from the middle of your chest. Keep that imaginary light shining against the wall in front of you and avoid it shining at a 45 degree angle or worse still at the floor. 
  3. Keep the weight on the heels on the way down and up
  4. Allow the hamstrings (back of your legs) to fold over your calves and then spring back out of the movement on the way up for maximal glute and hamstring recruitment. 

3.     Deadlifts

Tips for the Dead lift

  1. Allow the body to stiffen up and get a strong grip on the bar
  2. Bring the bar under your shoulders
  3. Before you lift up, ensure your back is straight, and create some tension on the bar before lifting it. This helps you avoid "Ripping" the bar off the floor which can create a wip lash like effect if the weight is too heavy
  4. Use the hips and lower body to lift the bar and stand as tall as you can to extend the hips and recruit the glutes.
  5. Slide the bar back down your legs, ensuring that you shoot your bum back first and allow the rest of the body to follow.
  6. Keep your back as straight as possible and keep a tight upper back throughout the movement.

4.    BB on Back Split Squats

Tips for the Split Squat

  1. Ensure you have a stable stance with the front foot open 5 degrees and the back foot slightly wider, but internally rotated.
  2. Keep the weight on the front heel and descend at  a 45 degree angle in an escalator like fashion
  3. Exaggerate the chest and tuck the elbows under and you descend and ascend 
  4. You should feel the stretch through your opposite hip flexor and the contraction through the glute, quad and hamstring of the front leg.

5.     Step Ups

Tips for the Front Step up

  1. Keep the weight on the front heel throughout the movement
  2. Keep a tall proud chest and avoid tipping forward on the way up and down
  3. When lowering down, do it with control as if you are landing on a floor of egg shells, keep your weight on the top legs heel throughout.

An Example of a Workout to build great quads

A1- Front Squats, 6 Reps, 4010, rest 10 seconds (Heaviest- 80% of your 1RM)

A2- Back Squats, 12 Reps, 4010, rest 10 seconds (Lighter- 75% of your 1RM)

A3- Leg Press, 24 Reps, 2010, rest 120 seconds (Lightest - 60% of your 1RM)

Repeat 4 times

B1- BB on Back Split squats, 10-12 reps each leg , 3010, rest 60 seconds

B2- DB Step ups, 10-12 reps each leg, 3010, rest 60 seconds

Repeat 2-3 times